February Events

Gore Vs Whore:

starting feb. 3rd through the rest of the month, check out Gore vs Whore! a hud based main store event! kinda like gacha but you are guaranteed to get every item and no duplicates! it all depends on how much you want to play. i’ve created a set of five “whore” items and five “gore” items, if you purchase the VIP hud you will also get a vip prize that matches both sets!

see the gore vs whore web page for more information!


XOXO is a hunt but i tend to leave my item out where you can find it easily, find the item, say the magic word and you might win these glasses for free! don’t want to play the game? you can buy these glasses for just 50L$ for the duration of the event! glasses have 5 frame colour choices and 5 lens colour choices, the lenses also come in broken and normal versions.

XOXO starts feb 7th and runs through the rest of the month. check out their website for more information!

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