horrorfestive time!

horrorfest got moved to december so now its horrorfestive! everything is creepy holiday fun. this event benefits munchflower zaius, who suffers from ehlers-danlos syndrome.

~SongBird~ The Doll : Omni Pack~Songbird~ The Doll : Horror Special Edition

~SongBird~ The Doll : Holiday Special Edition

i have created a set called “the doll”. the dress, shoes, and joints are available on their own as a 50% donation or for an 100% donation you can purchase the special holiday or horror edition, or if you are feeling REALLY giving, you can purchase the omnipack which has EVERYTHING in one big box. even the special versions. the special versions will not be available after the event ends.

~SongBird~ The Doll : Dress

the dress is rigged mesh, and comes in all standard mesh sizes in several different colour options.

~SongBird~ The Doll : Shoes

the shoes are not rigged mesh and come in one size which can be edited to suit your foot size. these shoes are made for regular system feet but with some careful editing you might be able to wear mid height slink feet with them.

~SongBird~ The Doll : Joints and Cracks

the joints and cracks are tattoo layers and also come with a hud that provides appliers for slink physique, hands, and feet, phat/cute azz and lola breasts.

more information about horrorfestive can be found here: https://horrorfestive.wordpress.com/

read up on ehlers-danlos syndrome here: http://www.ehlers-danlos.org/what-is-eds/types-of-eds

Bleak Midwinter Hunt:

~SongBird~ One Horse Open Sley hunt gift

the dates have been pushed back for this hunt and i am not sure what the new starte date is, but my prize is already in the store so if you want to go ahead and grab it go for it! my hunt prize this year is a special edition snowglobe. 100% original mesh and only 2LI! i’ve left it mod in case for some reason you want to scale it up to a larger size and sit in it, or what ever you want.

my hunt hint is “the eyes have it”

making sure your halloween is nice and gross

lots of goodies released this week and more on the way!

first up: System Failure

if you have never been to a Sn@tch/Pulse Halloween game, please take the time to go to this! i love these things and i’ve been running around in them since i found out about them years ago. they are so much fun and you end up with a lot of awesome goodies from some great stores.

i have hidden several eyes inside the game in random spots. they are free and not that hard to find. so you have no excuse not to pick these up!

there is also a gift shop after the game and i have these awesome shirts for guys and girls:



next up!  Horrorfest 2013

i am so excited for this because i have made some really awesome items for charity and i’m seriously proud! i decided to make items that represented three of my favourite horror films; the thing, carrie, and the texas chainsaw massacre.

will you still love me is my tribute to carrie. a dress and all over blood layer with appliers for slink hands and feet.

my tribute to the THING. a scary set of original mesh attachments and a tattoo layer to make you look like the alien’s next victim. mouth and chest are separate so wear them together or just wear one!

this beautiful thing is my favourite of all the horrorfest items. bubba’s best friend is my tribute to the texas chainsaw massacre. completely original mesh and textures made by yours truly over the course of a month. this took forever and i am so happy to have it finished. 4 colours to choose from, each with three different texture options. the perfect prop for any horror scene.

horrorfest also has a hunt that sends you to each participants’ shop. my offering for that is a special silver version of the polished eyes.

finally, opening on the 26th of this month, a more family friendly event, the trick or treat neighborhood.

Trick Or Treat!
this event is for sl parents and sl kids so my item is a bit tame, but its still awesome! i made a really cute set of devil horns and a pitchfork that fits adults and children. this item will be totally free for any trick or treaters who stop by between october 26th and november 2nd. i will put out an lm for that when it opens.


and FINALLY. there’s actually a couple of new releases in the shop!


basic hand and foot blood with slink appliers and tattoo layer.


and a cute set of satanism inspired nails.

Tanktop Dresses

my favourite kind of dress. i’ve wanted to make these for a while now.

~SongBird~ Tank Dress : Graphic

graphic dresses are black with different graphics, not much to say there..

~SongBird~ Tank Dress: Gradient

and for those who like colour, gradient dresses are lovely soft colours.

both of these are standard size mesh in sizes L to XS. a demo is available so please do try it on before you buy 😀

Leopard Babydolls

Leopard Babydoll Dresses have arrived in the shop! i loved the one i made for keep calm and keep shopping, so i made more! obviously the awesome rainbow one will never be sold again, but you can get these great solid colour ones!
~SongBird~ is in 2 hunts! one is the makeup and tattoo hunt, starting july 15, the other is the make a wish hunt starting august1st. i have made some awesome stuff for both of these hunts and i cannot wait for you guys to see them!

Keep Calm!

Keep Calm Keep Shopping!

this event officially starts tomorrow (the 14th) BUT since i will most likely not be online monday, i am putting my items out a day early! you do not want to miss out on these items, because after this event ends (on the 28th of may) they will NEVER be seen again.

for this event i have made a couple of cool basic clothing items as well as a funky lisa frank style baby doll dress named after my dearest friend fenni.

the tanktops and panties come as fatpacks or singles.


~SongBird~ has moved to a new location! the new store is located in the lovely woodland park sim, this location is rated M instead of A so those of you who might have had issue reaching the store can now get to it! click the link on the sidebar to check out the new shop!